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Meditations on Photographs: A Terrified Young Woman Surrounded by A Group of Male Photographers by an unknown paparazzo

19 Jun

David Burnett’s Speed Graphic Photos of the London 2012 Olympics

19 Jun


With an old large format camera to capture the olympics to create something different than the Canon or Nikon shooters.

Photos of Beams of Sunlight Bouncing Around a Room

19 Jun

James Nizam has taken the next step of light painting to light sculpturing


taken from article

taken from article

René Burri’s Contact Sheet That Led to an Iconic Photo of Che Guevara

19 Jun


Interesting to see all the pictures and not only the iconic picture that it became. Niec to see that even “big shots” make mistakes and might have taken a picture that another would not have taken.

A little lite the collection of contact sheets you can buy from Magnum.

from the article

from the article

18 Facts of Life for Photography Students

19 Jun

Conquering Creative Burnout: Put Down the Camera

12 Jun

Photographer Seeks to Redefine ‘Beauty’ Through Photos of Genetic Diversity

12 Jun

Fashionphotography with a meaning. From fashion to photographing children, people that have a genetic anomaly but are none the less beautiful, no freaks and should have their place in photography as well as anyone.

Your First 10,000 Photographs May Include Some of Your Best

12 Jun

An argument against Cartier-Bresson that says that your first 10.000 pictures are your worst, even if he probably meant your hardest.


Watch “25 Photography Quotes That You Should Know” on YouTube

6 Jun

Forensics Analyst Claims That the World Press Photo Winner is a Composite

14 May

Even more on Paul Hansens picture.